
Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad

Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad

Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad are very proud of Ryzza Mae Dizon for her achievements at the age of 8. Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad support her all the way to her stardom no matter what. As parents, they always look for the best of their children no matter the circumstances is. Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad admitted that their life before was too complicated because they faced lots of problems to raise their children, to have something to eat three times a day, to support them financially and emotionally. Ryzza Mae Dizon mom is Rissa Dizon, she can be seen with Ryzza Mae Dizon all the time because she serve as Personal Assistant of Ryzza Mae Dizon.

Ryzza Mae Dizon mom also had some tv commercial with her daughter, this means Ryzza Mae Dizon is also considered as celebrity mom in the Philippine industry. On the other hand, Ryzza Mae Dizon dad keeps a low profile in the industry. Ryzza Mae Dizon dad escorts his daughter in some special occasions like premiere night and her birthday. Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad are very lucky to have Ryzza Mae Dizon as their daughter because their life changed after winning Little Miss Philippine 2012.

Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad are thankful to Ryzza Mae Dizon because their life turned into something better unlike before they had nothing. At the young age, Ryzza Mae Dizon knows how save her earnings and spend it to reasonable and relevant things like car and other important stuff. Ryzza Mae Dizon mom and dad want their daughter to finish her studies despite of Ryzza Mae Dizon hectic schedule. They also want her to enjoy her childhood life and stay happy as always.

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