
Ryzza Mae Dizon family background

Ryzza Mae Dizon family background

Ryzza Mae Dizon is different from other child, before she entered in the industry Ryzza Mae Dizon experienced lots of hardships and struggle just to survive at the young age. Ryzz Mae Dizon family background changed from nothing to something. Ryzza Mae Dizon was born on June 12, 2005 in Pampanga Angeles, Philippine. Ryzza Mae Dizon parents is Rissa, actually there is no enough information about Ryzza Mae family particularly her parents and siblings because they are not public figure.

 Ryzza Mae Dizon revealed that before winning the Little Miss Philippine 2012, her parents had no enough income to support them. Her mother was selling corn in the streets to add some income so that will have something to eat every day. Her father had no stable job that’s why her mother was forced to make some money. Ryzza Mae Dizon is the second child among three siblings. Ryzza Mae Dizon mother recalled that she usually borrowed money just to buy foods and fare for Ryzza Mae Dizon auditions. Ryzza Mae Dizon stated that they had nothing and it was very hard but she never give up and took the opportunity to audition in the Little Miss Philippine 2012, she failed from her first attempt but she got second chance and win the crown.

We all know that Ryzza Mae Dizon is not pretty just like other candidate but Ryzza Mae Dizon has talents and skills and she is very cute and appealing to all people. Ryzza Mae Dizon was very happy because she was able to help her family financially at the young age. Ryzza Mae Dizon serves as a good example to all people, look at her now, at the age of 8 she already bought a new car and own her own business.

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