
Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga

Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga

Before Ryzza Mae Dizon joined in the show business, Ryzza and her family lived in Pampanga, Angeles. Ryzza Mae Dizon came from a low profile family, she admitted that at the young age she had never experienced a better childhood life like buying clothes, toys and foods. Ryzza Mae Dizon parent’s income was not enough to support their needs like foods. Ryzza Mae Dizon recalled that her mother usually borrow money so that they have something to eat. Ryzza Mae Dizon had nothing before and that’s the turning point she joined the Little Miss Philippine in 2012.

Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga was quite far in Quezon City, her mother borrowed money for Ryzza’s audition for Little Miss Philippine. Unfortunately, Ryzza Mae Dizon lost the competition but she was given another chance because she was called back again for a wildcard then Ryzza Mae Dizon was crowned little Miss Philippine 2012. After winning Little Miss Philippine, Ryzza Mae Dizon was still staying in their house in Pampanga, Angeles. Since Ryzza Mae Dizon has appointments and events in Quezon City, Ryzza Mae Dizon and her mother forced to woke up as early as 5am in the morning then went to Quezon City, Manila.

So they decided to rent a condo in Quezon City using Ryzza Mae Dizon’s earning to save some time commuting so that Ryzza Mae Dizon will have much time to relax and rest. Ryzza Mae Dizon will transfer to their new house and lot so Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga will be abandoned. Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga is very important to her because they have been living there for how many years. Ryzza Mae Dizon house in Pampanga is not as big as your house but she has a happy and healthy family which made them strong despite of problems.

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