
Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino latest news 2014

Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino latest news 2014

Ryzza Mae Dizon achievements

Ryzza Mae Dizon is the child wonder of the Philippone. Ryzza Mae Dizon is a Filipina child actress and talk show host. Ryzza Mae Dizon won the Little Miss Philippine in 2012 in the variety show “Eat Bulaga”. Since she became the Little Miss Philippine she became one of the regular hosts in the show, she was called “aling maliit” by her Dabarkads family because of her height. Ryzza Mae Dizon starred in notable shows and movies in Philippine. Ryzza Mae Dizon wants to be a star and she was able to bring her name into the spotlight.

Ryzza Mae Dizon starred in one of the highest-grossing film in Philippine cinema my little bossing alongside with Vic Sotto and Kris Aquino. She also starred in Vic Sotto’s sitcom and movie, the Vampire and Daddy Ko. Ryzza Mae Dizon achievements are beyond expectation. She can’t believe that she received a lot of projects and opportunities at the young age. Ryzza Mae Dizon has been doing lots of commercial, makes her very busy this year. Ryzza Mae Dizon has a bright future and she must continue her studies no matter how hectic her schedule is. She want to finish her studies and I know she balance it properly with the guidance of her parents. Ryzza Mae Dizon became the talk show host of her own talk show the Ryzza Mae Show.

Ryzza Mae Show

The Ryzza Mae show started in April 2013, it was a kind of kiddy talk show but Ryzza Mae Dizon was given a chance to interview all type of people like famous and veteran celebrities, athlete and anchors. The best thing about Ryzza Mae Dizon she knows how to talk with them and make her audiences happy and satisfied with her own show. Ryzza Mae show celebrated its one year anniversary in April 2014 and it was a blast, Ryzza Mae Dizon received lots of compliments by famous celebrities. She was given an expensive and big gift because she made her mentor proud of her especially Vic Sotto and Kris Aquino. Now, Ryzza Mae show is one of the most viewed talk show in Philippine.

Ryzza Mae Dizon interviewed actress Kris Aquino and her son Bimby. Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino became close when they worked together in a film. Kris Aquino admitted that she really like Ryzza Mae Dizon because of her cuteness and talkative kid just like her. Some people teased Ryzza Mae Dizon to Kris Aquino’s son Bimby Yap Aquino.

Simple child meets Presidential sister

We all know how famous and controversial Kris Aquino is. Aside from being a famous actress, she is known for being the presidential sister, since her brother Noynoy Aquino is the President of the Philippine. Kris Aquino has a powerful political background from her parent’s legacy to her relatives. Kris Aquino is one of the powerful and influential actresses in the industry. She was named as the Queen of all media because she has been doing a number of talk show and game show in the industry. Of course, Kris Aquino fits to be a host because she is not afraid to give her opinion to the people that’s make her misinterpret by a lot of people.

Ryzza Mae Dizon meets Kris Aquino the presidential sister. Ryzza Mae Dizon is just a simple child came in a low profile family before she joined in the industry. Meanwhile, Kris Aquino is one of the social, classy and rich women in the Philippine. So can you imagine Simple child meets classy woman Kris Aquino. You wonder how do they bond together and talk with each other knowing Kris Aquino is such a smart woman.

Well, Ryzza Mae Dizon proved that she can interact even to the highest person in the industry. Ryzza Mae Dizon met Kris Aquino in the set my little bossing in December 2013, as what I mentioned above. It seemed that there is no awkward moment because Ryzza Mae Dizon already made Kris Aquino laugh and bought good vibes, the result, Kris Aquino really like her. The funny thing is, Ryzza Mae Dizon talks like an old woman and she talks fast, she knows how to answer your question and talk with Kris Aquino just like an old woman at her age. Ryzza Mae Dizon is really cute when Kris Aquino and her son Bimby talk to her in English and Ryzza Mae Dizon requested to them to talk in tagalong because she doesn’t understand what they were talking in English. So funny! Kris Aquino laughed out loud when Ryzza Mae Dizon said that to them.

Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino are one of the biggest names in Philippines. Ryzza Mae Dizon is a Filipina child actress and hose while Kris Aquino is one of the most powerful and influential actress in Philippines. We all know Kris Aquino because of her family background. Kris Aquino is the presidential sister of the Philippine, everyone knows that of course. I must say that it’s so nice to be one of Kris Aquino’s friends because she is very generous, well all people know how rich Kris Aquino is despite of being one of the controversial actresses in Philippines. Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino worked together in the film “My Little Bossing” an entry for 2013-MMFF along side with Vic Sotto and Kris Aquino’s son James “Bimby” Yap.

Kris Aquino’s little version

Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino bonded many times since they worked together. Ryzza Mae Dizon is a lovely girl, very cute and bubbly so there’s no way will Kris Aquino not like her, all people I mean celebrities really like Ryzza Mae Dizon, I guess they are a fan of this lil child. Why? They always took picture of Ryzza Mae Dizon and posted on her instagram or twitter account. I was like “wow, how lucky this child is”, famous and biggest names in Philippine like her. Anyways, Kris Aquino admitted that she really love Ryzza Mae Dizon. Kris Aquino really admires Ryzza Mae Dizon and she sees herself in the child actress. I don’t know why she sees herself since they grew up in different ways. I think Kris Aquino was referring about Ryzza Mae Dizon curiosity since this lil child is very talkative just like Kris Aquino.

Kris Aquino’s promise to Ryzza Mae Dizon

Ryzza Mae Dizon and Kris Aquino have the same personality, they are both chatty no wonder they complement each other. In fact, Kris Aquino promised to Ryzza Mae Dizon that she will bring for a trip to Disneyland. Imagine!? As what I mentioned above, it feels great and nice to be one of Kris Aquino’s friend because she will treat you well and give expensive gifts and make promises just like to Ryzza Mae Dizon. It would be another dream come true, Ryzza Mae Dizon loves to go to Disneyland and experience or discover the amazing place. I know Ryzza Mae Dizon is very excited and looking forward to go to Disneyland. Kris Aquino promises Ryzza Mae Dizon and her family that she will treat them to Disneyland when their movie became hit. Since their movie became highest-grossing, Kris Aquino will treat Ryzza Mae Dizon to Disneyland anytime soon with her family. Ryzza Mae Dizon shared about her experiences in Disneyland Hongkong to Kris Aquino, Kris Aquino said her son was been into all branches of Disneyland in the world. From there, Kris Aquino wants Ryzza Mae Dizon to experience and discover another branch of Disneyland so she promises to treat Ryzza Mae Dizon. How lucky this kid right!?Well, Ryzza Mae Dizon deserved everything.

Ryzza Mae Dizon dream house

Did you know that Kris Aquino added a disclosed amount for Ryzza Mae Dizon dream house!? Yes, Ryzza Mae Dizon ultimate dream was to buy a new house for her and family. Kris Aquino stated that she will help her to achieve her ultimate dream but Ryzza Mae Dizon didn’t know that Kris Aquino already plan to give a disclose amount to Vic Sotto for Ryzza Mae Dizon dream house. I must say that Ryzza Mae Dizon is so lucky because she didn’t spend a single penny to buy her house. Kris Aquino helped her to finally achieve her dream. Kris Aquino is such a generous woman, as what I observed if she really likes someone, she usually give expensive and branded gift. In fact, Kris Aquino bought a car for her friend, she even bought a loui vuiton gift to actor Vice Ganda. Kris Aquino also gave Ryzza Mae Dizon a branded and big color pink baggage.

Many people were saying that Ryzza Mae Dizon might get spoil because of material things they gave to her. They suggested no to give her too much stuffs, for me I didn’t find any mistake to give material things to Ryzza Mae Dizon. They are just happy seeing Ryzza Mae Dizon and they like her. 

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