
ryzza mae dizon parents

ryzza mae dizon parents

At the age of 7 years old, Ryzza Mae Dizon became very popular in the Philippines and right now, she has been considered as one of the most promising child star and some other people might refer her as a child wonder since she reached stardom at a very young age. This cute and adorable child star is loved by a lot of people but she has to undergo several adjustments of her life because she has become very busy due to her hectic schedule and thanks to her parents, Ryzza Mae Dizon was able to adjust and managed it. At a very young age, most children would still think of playing and enjoying life as a kid but the mindset of Ryzza Mae Dizon is different because she entertains a lot of people but the good thing is that she enjoys what she is doing and she is just like playing simply because she loves the things that she do. Playing while working, that’s the perfect description of the job of Ryzza Mae right now and thanks to her loving parents who supports her no matter what happens in her career. She is also blessed to have such loving parents who are always there to support her. The number one fans of Ryzza Mae Dizon are her parents and also her family, they are always there to give their upmost support towards her and in my own opinion, it played pretty well because she is very successful in her career right now. Each and every day, her popularity increases and more and more people loves her because she is able to entertain them very well.

Start of Career

Ryzza Mae Dizon was discovered by the GMA network after winning the Little Miss Philippines, a segment in the noon time show Eat Bulaga. Ryzza Mae Dizon managed to beat all other contestants during the finals of the Little Miss Philippines and it happened in 2012. She was still 5 years old during that time and after 2 years, the network gave her a contract and now she is a part of the Eat Bulaga family. Ryzza Mae Dizon joined the Little Miss Philippines because her parents wanted her to join the prestigious event and also, Ryzza Mae Dizon loves to be in front of many people and at a very young age, she did not show any hardships in entertaining a lot of people. With that, she was discovered by the network and managed to win the Little Miss Philippines 2012. Upon winning the crown, a door of opportunity has opened because it was the start of her great career. Winning the Little Miss Philippines was just a stepping stone for her, right now she is very famous and known not only in the Philippines but all over the world especially the OFW’s or Overseas Filipino Workers.
Love Care and Support

As parents, we should be responsible enough for our children and in the case of Ryzza Mae Dizon’s parents, they have given there all when it comes to love, care and support to her. They are always there for her day and night to show support for their precious daughter. Ryzza Mae is lucky or should I say blessed to have such parents that support her no matter what happens in her career. I could also say that the parents of Ryzza Me Dizon are doing an amazing job in raising their daughter. Their daughter got this amazing talent in her but I am sure that this talent could be developed more from time to time and it is the job of her parents in protecting that talent and taking care of it so that Ryzza Mae will become even more popular in the future. They are blessed to have a talented daughter and in return, they should take care of her especially on certain situations that may affect her personal life. I know that there would be certain problems that Ryzza Mae might face in the future but in an early age, she can’t fight with those problems and her parents should be there for her and support her no matter what.

Career and Education

Every child star should pick between career over education because there should only be one that needs to be prioritize. Right now, Ryzza Mae Dizon is having quite a hectic schedule because of her television shows and her popularity. It is the job of her parents to take a good care of her education as of this moment because she needs to learn lots of things and at least get a degree. I know that Ryzza has been very popular and she is quite smart but it will be better for her to also pursue her education and not only focus on her career in television. Ryzza Mae is still very young and I believe that there is a bright future ahead of her but in my own opinion, she should be able to manage her time between career and education and I think it is the job of her parents to guide her towards that situation. Yes she is having a great career right now but at the same time, she should also learn things from school so that she will be a well educated person. There is a bright future waiting for her and she definitely needs those knowledge so that she will become a great person in the future. At the age of 7, it is still quite early to talk about her future in showbiz but I guess it is very clear that at this point in time, she will be having a great career in the future because she is supported by thousands or even millions of fans not only in the Philippines but also in some other places all over the world. Without any doubt, a lot of people are really entertained by Ryzza Mae Dizon and they are very thankful because Ryzza Mae is able to give them that smile.

The workmates of Ryzza Mae Dizon in the noon time show are also entertained by her talent. She is indeed very charming and adorable that’s why a lot of people could easily love her including her workmates in the noon time show Eat Bulaga. The workmates of Ryzza Mae Dizon are veterans and legends of Philippine television but still they were able to appreciate the talent of this young child star. All of them could definitely say that this kid will have a bright future in the Philippine television industry since she is very charming and she really got this raw talent in her that makes people love her easily. In my own opinion, I believe that Ryzza Mae Dizon will be working for GMA network for a very long time because she is very valuable to the network especially to the noon time show. Who would have thought that the 50’s dance craze Cha-Cha will be popularize again by Ryzza Mae Dizon and even her workmates were shocked that Ryzza Mae will be able to pull out that kind of popularity through that dance craze. She was able to revive that dance craze and right now it is very popular in the country.

An Inspiration

Ryzza Mae Dizon is not only a celebrity that we could look up too so that we will be entertained but also she is an inspiration to a lot of children out there who wants to be in her position also. A lot of kids are inspired by Ryzza Mae Dizon and the success that she has made in her career. At the age of 7, she managed herself to be known all over the country and loved by a lot of people. Indeed she is very popular not only in the Philippines I guess but also in some other places all over the world. If you are not familiar with the dance craze Cha-Cha then you better search it in the internet and witness this adorable child star performs in front of the camera. Ryzza still has one more goal and that is to make her family out of poverty since we all know that Ryzza Mae Dizon did not come from a rich and wealthy family. She also would like to buy a Van so that her parents will not commute from their home to the network station. As you know, her parents together with Ryzza still needs to ride a train from their home towards the network venue everyday and Ryzza Mae would like to change that that’s why she is saving her salary and her money and at least buy her parents a van so that they will not be having a difficult time in commuting. I am a huge fan of Ryzza Mae Dizon and I hope that she will be able to reach the peak of her career in the future and I really believe that she will be able to become even more famous and develop more of her raw talent in the future.